Friday, November 16, 2012

Three No Cost Ways to Say Thank You!

People have choices about where to spend their time and money.

Take the time to thank them for choosing your business.

Saying thanks is an easy and effective way to grow relationships—and ultimately, benefit your business.

Social Media Shout-outs:
Recognizing customers shows them how much you value them. Thank customers by mentioning them in a tweet, posting a coupon on Facebook, or profiling one of your best in a blog post. As a bonus, the customer will often share your efforts with their personal networks.

Personalized Emails:
Turn a customer into a loyal one by giving them special attention. Send personalized emails to customers thanking them for their business. Give customers a reason to remember you in the New Year with a discount on their favorite products or services.

Recognition for a job well done is great incentive for employees to keep up the good work. Take your gratitude a step further with publicity. If an employee wins an award, send out a press release and share the news on social media or the company blog.

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